Tentacular follows an enormous tentacled creature who was raised among the humans of the bustling and eccentric island of La Kalma.
Unravel the mysteries of the creature's existence while helping their human friends and neighbors research a strange and powerful new energy source. Progress by completing action-based activities and physics-driven construction puzzles, and use those elements later in the creative sandbox mode.
We have collaborated with Devolver Digital and Firepunchd to bring this charming experience to PlayStation VR2.
This includes, amongst other things, platform layer porting, implementation of PlayStation VR2 Sense controller features, and overseeing certification requirements.
Tentacular follows an enormous tentacled creature who was raised among the humans of the bustling and eccentric island of La Kalma.
Unravel the mysteries of the creature's existence while helping their human friends and neighbors research a strange and powerful new energy source. Progress by completing action-based activities and physics-driven construction puzzles, and use those elements later in the creative sandbox mode.